Month: September 2018
Time to bring out the handy man again
Planning – the analog way
Late at last I have realized that planning my computer work in front of the screen offers too many distractions.
Also constantly looking into two dimensional computer surface memes never having to deal with three dimensional objects which really limits the creative process. Therefore I try more and more to do the planning paper and pencil. It’s really efficient actually.
In this case I printed all the emails from a certain customer regarding and your website I am building for him and then I am going through all the information identifying different tasks in building the new site.
Voting is important

Exercising my democratic right today. You should to.
Progress depends on the unreasonable
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
– George Bernard Shaw
Holiday’s over
New food favs and full speed ahead.. looking forward to an exciting autumn. New version of the music app will be released shortly. I will also continue my work on trying to scaling up my IT business and last but not least I will start making music more than before. Well these are my goals, in the spirit of aiming for the sky, with the hope of at least reaching the tree tops? ^^ Let’s go