Holy moses..

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Mascherine, Sacchetti di plastica, palloni, scarpe, materiali di imballaggio: se non smaltiamo i rifiuti a regola d'arte, prima o poi vanno a finire in mare. In particolare la plastica è un materiale non biodegradabile e rischia di essere ingerita dagli animali. I pezzi di plastica possono restare nella gola degli animali,bloccare le vie respiratorie e impedire l'assunzione di cibo. Se giovani esemplari rimangono impigliati nella plastica possono sviluppare malformazioni durante la crescita. Ogni anno si stima che finiscano nelle acque marine dai 4,8 ai 12,7 milioni di tonnellate di rifiuti plastici. Una regione critica in tal senso è il Sud-est asiatico. Nelle acque e negli oceani si trovano poi anche le microplastiche, che derivano dall'abrasione degli pneumatici, dal lavaggio di tessuti sintetici o dalla disintegrazione di rifiuti plastici. Le microplastiche possono essere assorbite dagli organismi marini: in numerosi animali è stata rinvenuta la presenza di queste microparticelle. A inquinare le acque con i rifiuti sono inoltre anche i pescatori che perdono le reti in mare aperto o semplicemente gettano dalle barche quelle rotte. In esse rimangono imprigionati balene, delfini e altri mammiferi marini che soffocano fra atroci sofferenze. Oggi la situazione è migliorata se si pensa che fino agli anni Settanta gli oceani venivano tranquillamente considerati vere e proprie discariche, tuttavia non è lontanamente abbastanza. Fino agli anni 70 infatti nei mari veniva «smaltito» praticamente di tutto, quindi anche pesticidi, armi chimiche e rifiuti radioattivi. Si ipotizzava che gli oceani fossero sufficientemente estesi per diluire le enormi quantità di sostanze chimiche rendendole innocue. Falso. Sono necessarie oggi altre iniziative per preservare i nostri mari ed oceani, come controlli per la pesca, o divieti di trivellazione offshore. Sostieni l’operato di associazioni come il WWF con un'adozione simbolica di un delfino. #saveourplanet #fridaysforfuture #fridaysforfuturegenova #fridaysforfutureitalia #climate #youthinaction #globalwarming #climatestrike #schoolstrike #emergency #climatechange #climatejustice #europe #fridaysforfuture #gretathunberg #nocarbon

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The house is on fire

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Did you know: The #AmazonRainforest accounts for 25% of the world’s Carbon Dioxide absorption. I firmly believe that it is our duty and privilege to care for the Earth– this beautiful oasis we call home!! ??? . Today, we’re down in #Rio where we’ve come to serve over 11,000 people who have traveled from all over #Brazil and various parts of South America. ?? It’s an honor to return to this beautiful country. The #Amazon is one of the most spectacularly unique and gorgeous places on the planet. It is the world’s largest rainforest representing MORE than HALF of the planet's remaining rainforests. ??? The biodiversity is absolutely unparalleled — there are over 3 MILLION species of plants, animals, insects, as well as being home to over one million Indigenous people.??????? Needless to say, the health of the planet directly correlates with the health of the Amazon — in fact, 20% of the world’s oxygen supply comes from the Amazon. This precious resource of trees and animal life are THE LUNGS of our planet, and, as many of you now know, it is on fire ? burning at a faster rate than ever before. We are absolutely passionate about protecting our planet and preserving its beauty and health for generations to come, which is one of the many reasons why, through @thetonyrobbinsfoundation and @treesforthefuture, we’ve already planted 10 million trees in the last year and a half, and I’ve committed to planting a total of 100 MILLION trees over the next few years. ??? We’re committed to making a GLOBAL impact, and invite you to join us in helping — either by contributing to help #SaveTheAmazon, or finding an organization that is deeply meaningful to YOU. Image #Repost: @rainforestalliance ?: @mohsinkazmitakespictures / Windy.com <http://windy.com/>

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We’re in this together

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The climate and extinction crises affects every living thing on this planet. Humans often seem to forget that they are part of the natural world, not above it. We are all in this together. It's time to start living on this planet in harmony with nature. We cannot go on exploiting every single resource without any thought towards future generations. We have to end this madness! So what can you do? Here are a few things : Reduce your own carbon footprint by wasting less, eating less red meat and switching to renewable energy where possible. Talk to your friends, colleges and family about climate change. Tag someone and use climate change messages in your feed. Like and comment on climate change messages to increase their reach. Join a local group like #schoolstrike #extinctionrebellion #stopadani #fridaysforfuture #parentsforfuture And most importantly, Vote for the climate! Do you care about the planet? ? Tag someone who should see this! ? Help us grow the community by following ? #icaremovement and ? @icaremvt Thanks to : #Repost @_green_new_deal ・・・

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