Christmas Feeling @ Last

I’ve been working pretty intensively by my computer over the last weeks, it takes some time to build up a good routines and habits and to become effective and produce the results you want. I feel really happy though an still very appreciative over the fact that I can be here in the country house getting the space and calmness that I need to focus on the things that I want to have done. Here’s just a small video to show a small glims of my own personal Christmas feeling here on the country side. Accompanied by the Chamber Choir of of Jönköping. Mary Christmas to everyone who happen to read this and see you soon with more exciting projects and happenings!

Here’s the FULL video that didn’t fit into the 1 min Instagram limit. Enjoy!

Multi planet species


History is going to fundamentally bifurcate in one of two directions: We are either gonna be single planet species until some eventual extinction event, or we will become a multi planet species and be out there exploring the stars. And I like the second one. 

– Elon Musk, founder, CEO, and CTO of SpaceX; co-founder, CEO, and product architect of Tesla Motors; co-founder and chairman of SolarCity; co-chairman of OpenAI |–A

Incredible times, friends and Christmas is coming

I have had 3 incredible weeks working in the calm and quiet of the country side and then also made a couple of trips to visit friends for both leisure and work. I also had some friends visiting me which was equally nice. Now back in the house and trying to get some work done while enjoying the beautiful nature in the surroundings. 

Here are some of the favorite  pics from my favorite place to walk nere where I live. 

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Christmas lunch in Svarttorp, cozy factor max.


After some searching I found the Christmas decorations and now I enjoy the so much needed light in the dark winter period.