Back in Sweden – and two weeks in Stockholm

Subway ride in sunset back from this week’s work location just outside the city center of the capital of Sweden.

Freezing but beautiful. It’s nice to be back in good old Sweden. Very nice to be able to hang out with my sister and brother and their families and blessed to have a place to stay in Stockholm.
Work continues and I have the opportunity to work “in office” of one of my customer organizations. As much fun as it is working from home or from another country, it is also very rewarding, at least for a change, to meet the people you are working with and actually handle some physical goods.

This weeks challenge… sending out around 2000 letters to members of one of my customers organisations.

My office

I really like my current office, lots of light and a nice view. I also have managed to find a good solution for telephony that works really well. It means I can talk to my customers in Sweden at the normal flat rate and at a really good quality. No one can even tell that I am not at home. Someone even said that the sound quality was better now than when I was back home.. ^^ Since a good phone line is pretty crucial to my business at times, I am so happy and grateful that I got it working.

I noticed that many hotel rooms in Thailand have these almost identical little desks with two drawers that can be pulled out to make a pretty good arm rest when putting laying out a towel over the edge to make it a little softer. This is at least the third time that I have an office like that and its actually pretty sustainable. It’s great to find the little daily hacks like this to make it easier to work on the road.

Working on the bus

One of the most comfortable working environments is actually on the bus or train in Sweden. I have a good 4G connection to the Internet and most of the times there’s electricity to be found right beside the seat.

Now I am on my way from Stockholm to Jönköping. I have 4+ hours of time where I can work or relax and get to where I need to be, for only 19 €. That’s great .

The office 

Working space… Check. It’s interesting how you build a skill in setting up this kind of acceptable office under any kind of circumstance. I like to use a separate keyboard and mouse like this. I also like to minimize the radiation exposure from WiFi etc so I always try to use some kind of cable although, as in this case, there is a WiFi antenna at the end of the cable.