Had to stop and enjoy the snow fall for a bit on my way home from Jönköping today. Had to go in for a small business meaning in one of my projects. I kind of enjoy those little rides in my car cause I have time to think and just concentrate on the driving. Which reminds me that I should start my one hour a day meditation practice that I promised myself since new years! 🙂
Category: General
In search for the sun
For six straight days I have hoped for sun in Jönköping to get some beautiful shots of the city in sunshine. Bit a very persistent gigantic cloud decided to park there and turn visibility to a bare minimum. I went to the hillside in Huskvarna hoping that the cloud would dissolve and wash away. But this is the view that remained throughout the time I waited. The sheet music stand is for when I shoot time lapse/hyperlapse movies, which for obvious reasons was no idea today (the giant cloud not only was massive, it also totally immobile) . In other words the scenery was very static making it very boring to film.
Jönköping by night
Visiting an old friend in Jönköping looking out over the city from his place on the hillside. The photo sessions have been interesting this week. I never had a clear mission like this before to take photos representing a certain area etc. It’s been fun so far.
The feeling
When you are used to getting 25 likes top on your posts on Instagram.. And then one week you get to post on another account with 100 times the number of followers ^^ what is this hunt for likes all about anyways.. Hmm.. Life..
Winter time.. The other day
Today was a really gray and moist day weather wise so I felt like remembering that the other day instead when it was a really beautiful winter weather. I am gonna try to experiment a little bit forward with this kind of portrait kind of videos. I think it is a cool thing with a video that only has very subtle movements in it. For example a bird flying or snow falling.
Holy mooses
Oh la la.. better not go to fast through the Swedish woods. At 70 km/h I had time to stop in time for this beast to safely cross the road.. Her male friend had already crossed so I suspected this one to follow, which was exactly what happened. I am so happy that I didn’t go faster and that there was no other cars around at this moment.
Under the clear blue moon sky
Could not resist setting up the “moon photo studio” again. My plan this time was to film the moon, which was possible actually. But the result was not as interesting as I might have thought. Something really cool happened though when I looked through the binoculars during setting up. An airliner crossed the line of vision and drew a visual black line straight through the moon. That would have been cool to catch on film, but of course it was just before I had set the camera up ^^
Anyways, I think that this is just about how good a shot I can get of the moon with my mobile camera. But I must say I am pretty happy. Taking a photo of the moon kind of always was a bit of a dream to me. Don’t know why, but i guess it’s because I find outer space very fascinating. And seeing the actual rocks and irregularities of the moon through the binoculars, gives evidence to the brain that planets and space and stuff is for real, and not a conspiracy or science fiction.
See you later fancy people
Just tried my new translation function.. LOL ^^
Swedish people will laugh.. haha… (compare to previous post)
Try your own language if other than English… ^^
Since Google uses more and more AI in there algorithms I reason that it’s just a matter of time before my translation function will work really well… till then enjoy a good laugh here and there =)
Best Skype meeting ever
Just had the most professional and effective Skype conference ever in one of my projects. Feels good. The picture shows my favorite computer microphone that I had to fix at one point, hence the tape..now on the other hand I would say that it is pretty much unbreakable.
Otherwise a pretty hefty headache that have persisted throughout the day. Better take it easy the rest of the evening. For a Saturday I have been quite productive today. Rock on everyone.
Sun hunt in frosty landscape
Today was such a frosty day. I decided to go for a walk in the Woods and to specifically look for the sun before it set behind the mountain. The house here kind of is on the shadowy side of a valley so the sun sets pretty early in the day even for the winter season. So I finally got to see the sun even though the trees did their best to stop me. I got to see some nice views on the way as well. It’s pretty amazing to walk in the woods with the snow shining white. I also found some really nice trees with three moss. I always learned when I was a kid that tree moss is a sign of good clean air so I guess that the air must be really clean in this spot.