Moonlight and Sonatas

In the country house again after very nice 2 weeks at my parents in Örebro. 

Gazing up at the sky from the balcony it’s pretty awesome to be here too. The supermoon that was hidden behind a solid layer of clouds when it was  full no is showing itself in all its glory even though it is rather half at this point. For the record I shot the moonlight pic with my Samsung Galaxy S7 through a couple of old binoculars that I har just happened to lay my eyes on in the living room before I saw the moonlight through the window of the balcony door. 


Today I also brought out violin to play a few pieces for the first time in a while. I was really happy to find that I got a good connection with my instrument and the music came out pretty beautifully. I’m looking forward to record something to put online soon. 

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