Taco and fredagsmys 

It’s been an awesome week at my parents place. Moving back home is quite an underestimated business. Having the time to develop this relationship is really nice, not least when you haven’t had so much time to do this during the past few years.

During my time in Egypt I had the chance to experience what it is like when families are much more closer together and spend much more of the time during the days in the same house, eating and talking. This is an art that I think many people in the western cultures have forgotten. 

I’ve been in front of the computer much of the time though here, trying to get some work done. It’s been a pretty amazing and I’m pleased with what I have accomplished, sometimes you take two steps forward and then one back, but overall I’m very happy. 

It amazes me have fun I really think it is to develop things on the Internet and in my computer. And even though I’m planning to spend more time making music in the future I still think that this is a really good thing to have as a complementary part of my income and lifestyle. 

Today it’s finally Friday and apart from making apple sauce in the afternoon we also had a nice and classic Swedish style Taco dinner.


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