The 3 hours drive from Cairo 

After 4 hours at Arlanda (in the end almost being late for check-in because I though I had so much time..well done Hank.. ) and about 6 hours in the air, I landed in Kairo. People waiting for me with a car. What a luxury!

Good to be here. First impressions, crazy traffic, beautiful sceneries, exciting architecture vibrant people.

If you had asked me a few years ago I would have said that Egypt was not on my priority list. But destiny had other plans. Now I am here. And I am really grateful for the experience.

Airport night work

nattjobb-arlandaAlmost 4 hours to boarding.. May just as well get some work done.

Feels a bit strange. After several weeks of planing and structuring I can finally concentrate and get to work on that ever growing todo list.

You’d think that being on the road makes it difficult to focus or to have the time. On the contrary I find that there are a lot of time to kill. With all of the daily distractions present when you’re in your ordinary home, suddenly gone,  gettin some work done enters pretty much nr 1 on the fun-list.

Weather you’re on a bus, trains or airplane, you can always think of some point on the todo list to check off.


Dirt cheap to the airport 

Living the digital nomad life, unless you already make a lot of money from what you do, you obviously don’t want to pay more than necessary whilst traveling. Being flexible in your schedule offers many opportunities to save bucks. 

The ride from my home town of Jönköping in Sweden is about 350 kilometers from the airport. I decided to go with the cheaper option. That included two trains and one local city buss. 

The whole trip is costing me 25 + 190 + 50 = 265 Swedish kronor (about 27 €). This compares to around 50 € for any more conventional transfer. And it’s fun too.. You get to see and experience stuff and can work and blog along the way =) 
See you in the next one… 

Taking off

After one crazy week end of packing, moving, planning, chatting, and on top of everything also having a couple of business meetings I have finally handed over my apartment to the nice person who sub-lease over the next 6 months. And I am on my way..

First stop Egypt.. My sister is there with her family so I want to visit them. I miss them so much and I’m looking forward to to seeing them all. Also it is my first time in Egypt and that in itself is quite exciting!

Many questions in my mind. One is actually how will it feel to be back in a pretty hot climate. Last time was Thailand 5 months ago. Weird as it may seem I must say, I am pretty well adjusted to the cold climate in Sweden. Once interesting thing I have noticed is how much clearer you think and more productive you get when it is not 38 degrees Celsius outside every day.. It’s kind of easier to keep the warmth in a cold climate than to comfortably cool when it’s really hot. At least that’s my experience. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against sunny days and balmy whispering nights.. especially if you have some free time away from the computer screen to enjoy it.. 😉

Well that’s it for now. I’ve managed to get on board the first train of two this evening. The plane is leaving early morning. Feels good to be starting off have a good time buffer.