New day new possibilities

The beautiful scenery of Stockholm flying by while going the office. Happy feelings after two weeks of productive work combined with nice hangout with family and friends.

One of my biggest goals these last few years have been to become free.. Free from having to be in a certain place at a certain time and free to do what I want when I want it. I feel now that I am closer than ever before to this dream.

Back in Sweden – and two weeks in Stockholm

Subway ride in sunset back from this week’s work location just outside the city center of the capital of Sweden.

Freezing but beautiful. It’s nice to be back in good old Sweden. Very nice to be able to hang out with my sister and brother and their families and blessed to have a place to stay in Stockholm.
Work continues and I have the opportunity to work “in office” of one of my customer organizations. As much fun as it is working from home or from another country, it is also very rewarding, at least for a change, to meet the people you are working with and actually handle some physical goods.

This weeks challenge… sending out around 2000 letters to members of one of my customers organisations.