Time flies and summer summary

Sorry I haven’t written anything in a long time. Guess I entered holiday mode.. And tried to stay away as much as possible from the computer 🙂 today stopping by in Jönköping for some work. I have had some work here during the summer and will be here a few more times before I return to my location independent life. I will try to post a few of my summer moments soon to give you a glimpse of my summer so far. The biggest news regarding my digital nomad life is probably that I quit my apartment and now actually don’t have my own place anymore. But of course I have my family’s country houses to resort to when I am not somewhere else. Quitting the apartment of course is a big step nevertheless but it feel really good having taken the leap, not only to save some money for other investments but also to force myself to move my life in a more interesting direction. I will probably want to travel some more and also try to find myself some calm and relaxed places where I can develop my business and also more seriously start making, writing and recording music. I will try to let you know as I move along. Cheers

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