Back in the country house, with new cooking skills 

I had a wonderful week i Nässjö and Jönköping fotograf in for Destination Jönköpings guest account on Instagram and hanging out with several friends in both Jönköping and Nässjö. I also had time to learn some new cooking skills from the Asian kitchen so I bought some new ingredients to be able to continue using these skills 🙂 

Now it’s a new week and I will have to get back to my ordinary work with full force in order to make some much needed dough. 

See you on the other side! 

In search for the sun 

For six straight days I have hoped for sun in Jönköping to get some beautiful shots of the city in sunshine. Bit a very persistent gigantic cloud decided to park there and turn visibility to a bare minimum. I went to the hillside in Huskvarna hoping that the cloud would dissolve and wash away. But this is the view that remained throughout the time I waited. The sheet music stand is for when I shoot time lapse/hyperlapse movies, which for obvious reasons was no idea today (the giant cloud not only was massive, it also totally immobile) . In other words the scenery was very static making it very boring to film. 

And the winner is..

I took this photo a  couple of days ago, but only posted it today on Instagram. I don’t know if I will ever call myself a photographer, but I can truly say that I have learned so much this week from the @jkpg Instagram assignment. The coolest feeling is when I go through the photos in my phone after some session and I come across one that stands out from the others. Immediately I get the gut feeling that this photo is special in its balance, colors, symmetry etc. It’s also fascinating to learn which photos can and which ones cannot be worked on with filters, color dynamics etc to transform from rather dull 2 dimensional pics to vivid and cool images. 

The above photo didn’t need much correction at all. Thanks to the pretty well functioning hdr function in my phone, the contrast an dynamics turned out pretty nicely “out of the box”. 

After the week of posting pics for the @jkpg account this pic is the one was the most “liked”.. so I guess in that way it was kind of the winner of the week. 

Hilary Hahn in Stockholm

It would have been awesome to be in Stockholm today to see Hilary Hahn live in Berwaldhallen, but due to a tight schedule this week-end I instead had to revert to streaming the live performance of the Mendelssohn Violin concerto through the speakers connected to my computer. Lovely anyway. 

You can follow Hilary on Instagram and Facebook: