Time flies so fast

The day finally came when I had to say goodbye to my friends in V Residence. A little bit sad of course since I have gotten attached to this place after having stayed here for almost two months.

After the two hour bus ride I landed at my hotel in Bangkok and then had some time for shopping at the big shopping centers in Siam area (MBK and Siam Paragon). 

Two months is quite a good amount of time to try a new environment out. I will write more about it soon and also post some unpublished photos from my trip (my visit to Koh Lan amongst others).

Tomorrow I will be back in Sweden if everything goes to plan. It will surely feel a bit strange to b back in the colder climate etc but on the other hand really great to be seeing friends and family again.

And the winner is..

I took this photo a  couple of days ago, but only posted it today on Instagram. I don’t know if I will ever call myself a photographer, but I can truly say that I have learned so much this week from the @jkpg Instagram assignment. The coolest feeling is when I go through the photos in my phone after some session and I come across one that stands out from the others. Immediately I get the gut feeling that this photo is special in its balance, colors, symmetry etc. It’s also fascinating to learn which photos can and which ones cannot be worked on with filters, color dynamics etc to transform from rather dull 2 dimensional pics to vivid and cool images. 

The above photo didn’t need much correction at all. Thanks to the pretty well functioning hdr function in my phone, the contrast an dynamics turned out pretty nicely “out of the box”. 

After the week of posting pics for the @jkpg account this pic is the one was the most “liked”.. so I guess in that way it was kind of the winner of the week.