Little trip to Jönköping today – winter’s back too

Had to stop and enjoy the snow fall for a bit on my way home from Jönköping today. Had to go in for a small business meaning in one of my projects. I kind of enjoy those little rides in my car cause I have time to think and just concentrate on the driving. Which reminds me that I should start my one hour a day meditation practice that I promised myself since new years! 🙂 

Entering Studio Mode 

One of my projects (classified for now… but stay tuned for official announcement later this year! 🙂 ) finally “forced” me set up my piano and a simple recording equipment. This is really cool since I’ve been thinking about recording music for a long time now, but all the stuff have been sleeping in boxes and standing against walls.. And you know the feeling when you are looking for just the right cables and gadgets in order to get everything to work.. Haha quite a project.. Though now everything is actually in place and I’ve even got the whole thing to sound pretty nicely.