Back to BigC food shopping

Seems my life revolves around food and work right now. It’s pretty nice though, I enjoy eating and working. Last time on BigC I bought some hardware like the rice cooker but this time I could focus more on the actual food. I like BigC it’s the closest thing to a standard grocery store back in Sweden. But of course with the welcome addition of Thai foods and merchandise.

Some of the stuff I bought today. Especially curious to try yoghurt with crunchy wholegrain flakes and fruit. Also bought a real loaf of bread, a grilled chicken, bearnaise, fresh fruit (bananas and grapes), fresh salad and more.


Österrikisk Gulaschsoppa

Wasa knäckebröd


Beware that 99 % of all skin products in this country promises to make you whiter…. well… It’s pretty typical for sure that everyone on this earth seems to be something other than what they are.. In Sweden we have the “tanned without sun” products… and here they have “white.. despite sun…” or something like that… ^^ people people…


Microwave food from Family Mart

Ok, not sure if the final result is exactly like on the picture.. But for a quick snack it tasted quite good!

These days are working days. Didn’t leave the hotel for two days now.
The grocery shopping was a success I would say.. I have enjoyed tremendously to eat in my hotel room and not having to go out every time I’m hungry.

Today I also tried one of the the frozen dishes from Family Mart.. It was surprisingly delicious I would say..
But I feel like a monster as I could probably eat 2 or even 3 of those meals without too much of a problem..
I would say that many times a Thai dish actually is not too grande.. Either thai people don’t eat so much or maybe they just eat more often 🙂

I know I should eat more often anyhow so that I don’t need to eat a horse every time I’m finally at the table.. But with my new grocery shopping habit this should actually be achievable. We’ll see..

Shopping at Big C

Since I will be here for a month now I decided to buy some stuff that will make life easier and also save some time and even money in my daily life. My goal is to be able to work as efficiently as possible and being able to prepare some simple meals in the hotel room not having to find a restaurant every time I think is a good idea.

The Survival Kit – rice cooker, cleaning and dish washing gear, bowl, fork, spoon, knife, etc.

Oooh real bread! With butter, cheeze and ham. . haven’t had it since I left Sweden.. A really nice reunion.

Actually also drove by Family Mart (similar to Seven Eleven) and bought som extra stuff.. I cannot recall ever bought the frozen “microwave” dishes that they have there. Will be interesting to try.

Self service laundry

Just Across the road from my hotel there is self service laundry shop and today I decided to use it for the first time. The owner however was not to be seen anywhere at first and I spent around 20 minutes to find someone who could change a 20 Baht bill into the two 10 Baht coins needed to get the machine going. She finally arrived however so I got my coins and also a confirmation that I had understood how to arm the whole thing.. Washing time would be one hour according to the lady… TBC..

Night market in Jomtien

Visiting Jomtien again and took a look at the weekend night market. Again delicious food, but also clothes and lots of other stuff such as electronics and so on. I myself was looking for shoes primarily, and finally bought 3 pairs.. Also I got a couple of t-shirts and a pair of shorts. Don’t know if the clothes are of the best quality and fashion but at least it’s something new. Really happy with the shoes however.

I actually wanted to buy these shoes (the green ones) on the second hand area, but they were to small in size unfortunately