My typical “home cooked” dinner

It’s true that eating out is as cheap if not cheaper than cooking at home here in Thailand.

Though going out all the time actually takes time and also gives you less control over what you are eating. So I generally prefer eating in my room or apartment, at least when I am working a lot, as I am right now.

Here’s my typical food that I cook in my current hotel room. I cook some rice in my rice cooker, I have some meat or other ready to eat addition to the rice in my fridge. I also see to it that I have some fresh vegetables and lime and things in stash to make the whole thing a bit more interesting. The food feels very natural and fresh, and it’s quite frankly very delicious. 

The rice used here is a mixed sort rice which has a brown color to it after being cooked



Dinner time

Can’t remember what this kind of dish is called. But you boil your own food anyhow. It’s really good. Actually there’s another version where you fry it on a kind of pan in the same style, called Mokata, that is even more delicious in my opinion, but this one is close enough, and also probably more healthy. 

My office

I really like my current office, lots of light and a nice view. I also have managed to find a good solution for telephony that works really well. It means I can talk to my customers in Sweden at the normal flat rate and at a really good quality. No one can even tell that I am not at home. Someone even said that the sound quality was better now than when I was back home.. ^^ Since a good phone line is pretty crucial to my business at times, I am so happy and grateful that I got it working.

I noticed that many hotel rooms in Thailand have these almost identical little desks with two drawers that can be pulled out to make a pretty good arm rest when putting laying out a towel over the edge to make it a little softer. This is at least the third time that I have an office like that and its actually pretty sustainable. It’s great to find the little daily hacks like this to make it easier to work on the road.

New market place

I also found a new Market place on my way back from Jomtien. I actually bought my dinner there yesterday and I bought the same thing today from the same lady, who also smiled obviously recognizing me from the day before. She sells half a chicken (or maybe duck.. I’m not sure) for 50 Baht. 

These markets are everywhere by the way. At first they can be a bit hard to spot since it’s just a cluster of parasols, but underneath there is intense business going on.

Then also today I could not resist buying some Sweets in the form of donuts which was 10 Bath each.

My dinner from the market, half a chicken for 50 Baht. With my rice cooker it’s very convenient to buy food like this, and then just cook some rice in 10 minutes at home, and eat with some vegetables and soy sauce, oyster sauce or fish sauce that I have. Delicious, cheap and efficient.

Jomtien by day

Immigration office in Jomtien

Jomtien beach

Jomtien beach road

Swedish corner..? 🙂

Since the immigration Office was in Jomtien i and the weather was good I took the chance to see a little bit more of the Beach Road and the beach and some other parts before I went home after the visa renewal.
I must say that Jomtien looks like a pretty nice village to hang out in. It’s definitely more calm than Pattaya and the Beach is very much more nice and clean I would say. If I’d had my swimming pants with me then maybe I would have jumped in for a quick swim.

Officially declared “good guy” for 30 more days

Receipt of visa fee. The extension of 30 days cost 1900 Baht (around 55 USD, a little under 2 USD a day)

Pretty straight forward. And reasonable too I think.. 🙂 Maybe we should have the same sign in Sweden at immigration? What do you think?

Second visit to immigration and finally everything was I order. Phew, quite a bit of paperwork and about an hour in total at the premises. Also more people today than I had expected. I had heard that it would be pretty calm in the afternoon.. But I’d say that it was quite a lot of people wanting to extend their visas in different forms.
Anyhow, very happy to have my 30 more days to be able to stay here in this lovely country.