Back to Base

The last couple of weeks have been a mix of business and hangout with friends. Now back in the country house where everything was as cozy and peaceful as one could expect and hope for (always a little scary when you are away unplanned for a longer period of time, at one time many years ago there was a big bird that had entered the house through the chimney and was hopping around in the house when we entered..).

Anyhow, back and well, making some pancakes for dinner. 

Sunny Winter again for a while

My stay in Nässjö was extended a little bit. Nice to hang out and to enjoy some winter weather too. I took a long walk for the first time in a long while. Quite beautiful sceneries. 


Breakfast with Piano concerto

Enjoying Rachmaninoff piano concerto on my friend’s new 65 inch TV. Nice indeed.

Shopping, cooking and couch mode

Still hanging out with my friends in Nässjö. For the eternal bachelor like me who normally likes to spend a lot of time on my own it’s cool for a change to get a dose of friends-hangout for a few days in a row.

Let’s make 2018 amazing

First day of the year, another 365 to go (yes, one extra day because of lap year;). So much is happening in the world. Everything from people’s movement like metoo to mind boggling technological advancements like solar energy, electric cars and artificial intelligence.

Let’s all make the most out of 2018 and be as true to ourselves and each other as possible. Let’s be courageous enough to reach for the stars and be thankful already when we reach the sky and let us surround ourselves at least 80% of the time with people who believe in us even before we believe in ourselves.

Remember, the best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago. Next best is now.

Happy New Year 2018

Nice evening with friends and good food. Everybody brought something and I brought my famous apple pie..

Of course after the green Christmas the weather gods decided to flip the coin.. Lots of snow.. Beautiful but far from ideal on the road. Everything went fine anyhow. Happy new year everybody. Let’s make 2018 amazing!

New years resolutions?

Last year I remember having the new years resolution to meditate at least 30 minutes every day. That’s because I know that it does so much good both physically and mentally. I really believe that meditation is something that you do not have time not to do.. In other words, the more you think that you don’t have time for it, the more you need it. Nevertheless I have not completely kept my promise during 2017. I generally just spend a minute or two each night before bedtime meditating or doing a breathing exercise. Even this small effort makes a huge difference. But it would be interesting to explore this a bit further. So I will try to give it a new go this year. Maybe not necessarily 30 minutes a day, but making it a habit to practice mindfulness more frequently. I’ll let you know how it goes. Other things I want to explore is how I can make a living from more and more of the things that I am really passionate about. For example it would be interesting to focus on music in 2018. Playing an instrument is such a difference compared to working on the computer. Playing an acoustic violin, guitar or a piano does not involve being nere any electronic equipment at all. Therefore making it quite a unique firm of “work” these days in the digital age.