Moonlight obsession 

To combine my recent obsession about the moon with my desire to spend more time playing music, I thought that a next logical step would be to rehearse the good old sonata nr 14 by Beethoven, also known as the Moonlight Sonata. 

To make it more interesting and original I am thinking of playing this piece on the old piano that was more or less the first piano I ever played and that once belonged to my grandfather’s sister. What’s interesting with this piano except for its age is that it’s tuned about one half note lower than normal, which gives it a certain mellow sound. 

So let’s just hope I didn’t forget everything a about playing the piano (I only played very occasionally during the last 20 years or so 🙂 and hopefully I will be able to post a one of a kind performance for you to enjoy here on the blog soon ^^ It’ll be a lot of fun.

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