Time flies so fast

The day finally came when I had to say goodbye to my friends in V Residence. A little bit sad of course since I have gotten attached to this place after having stayed here for almost two months.

After the two hour bus ride I landed at my hotel in Bangkok and then had some time for shopping at the big shopping centers in Siam area (MBK and Siam Paragon). 

Two months is quite a good amount of time to try a new environment out. I will write more about it soon and also post some unpublished photos from my trip (my visit to Koh Lan amongst others).

Tomorrow I will be back in Sweden if everything goes to plan. It will surely feel a bit strange to b back in the colder climate etc but on the other hand really great to be seeing friends and family again.

Songkran preview

I must admit it. Songkran was a lot more fun than I had expected. It’s a real party and just a joy to see everyone happy and connecting through this wild water festival.

Thanks to my friend who has lived here for a long time I was guided to the most intense Songkran streets a couple of days ago.

Unfortunately I didn’t prepare so well for the photographing, so the only thing I managed to do was extract a few images from some otherwise lousy video clips that I managed to get from the action zone..

So here you go. Today and tomorrow are holidays in Thailand and the Songkran festival reaches its peak. I had hoped to be able to join the party today. But unfortunately some work on my computer I got in between. Tomorrow I hope to be able to give it another go and to get out there play. And hopefully also bring you some better pics from the party 🙂

Coworking Space in Jomtien

Being a digital nomad can be a lonely business. This I have heard many times in YouTube videos etc, of people living this lifestyle. And I totally understand why. You work and travel. And you can’t bring all your friends.

As simple as that. Often times you cannot bring any of your friends. I have had this in mind even before I decided to try this out for myself.

One great thing that I think will help a lot to cope with this challenge is the fact that there is now already tenth of thousands of people who live this lifestyle. And that means that there are a lot of people looking for others to hang out with.

The online communities is a really cool way to socialize and exchange ideas. And the coworking spaces is another. Yesterday I went to check out the Anchor coworking space in Jomtien. I was lucky enough to find a guy outside who was using this space already for several months and that could tell me all about it.

The Restaurant at Anchor Coworking Space, Jomtien

Before returning back to the hotel, I decided to take my first swim in the
ocean for this trip… Guess the pool is very convenient.. But there’s something special with the beach and the ocean, I have to admit.

Meditation and other daily rituals

Came across this video today. It reminded me that one of my plans for this blog was to walk about my own meditation routine and what benefits I experience from it. 

I actually learnt the basics of meditation from a book when I was about 17 years old. I have been doing it on and of since then, and my plan is to make it a daily routine just as described in this video.  

Please stay tuned for more posts on how to use meditation and other rituals to program your mind and body for more success and a happier life. 

My 11 000 ฿ monthly hotel room

Voìla my current home at V Residence Serviced apartments.

This place is just outside Pattaya (about 20 min walk to city).

The price equals about 318 USD and lectricity and water charges are added at the end of the month. 

I appreciate staying in a calmer location and not in the middle of the center city. This has been quite a good accomodation I would say.

Still about a week to go of this “30 day rent period”, which I will use to get some more work done and also to enjoy the Thai new year and Songkran that are just beginning these days. 

A similar room for only 6500 ฿/month!? 

I talked to the lady in the reception the other night and she gave me a tip of the apartment building right next to this one. According to her there are apartments there for 6 500 ฿/month (only 189 USD!). And those apartments allegedly also include a little bit bigger balcony and better space for cooking too 🙂 But I don’t think that there’s any swimming pool included.. If I ever want to stay around here again it might be worth checking out though!

How I (try to) stay fit in Thailand

One thing that often happens when I go to Thailand is that I get a motorcycle and then after that I don’t get so much exercise.. I also eat more sweets for some reason.. Probably because it’s cheap and available everywhere.

Somewhere along the road I look myself in the mirror though and realize I have to do something drastic. Now I have some experience on this so I now know what measures I can take to fix the situation. 

These are the typical steps:

  • I start taking the stairs instead of the elevator in the hotel
  • eat less sweets
  • let the motorcycle rest and take walks whenever I need to go somewhere within walking distance
  • take general walks exploring the neighborhood and surroundings of my hotel/apartment

Today for the second day in a row I took a walk on the smaller streets towards city center. I walked around long enough for the twilight to arrive and for the night life in slowly come to life.

Today I also had one of my favorite dishes on the way home from the “city walk”, the Wonton noodle soup which was only 45 Baht and tastes delicious.

Weekend leisure

This week end I finally forgot about work for a while and had a great night out with my Swedish friend in Jomtien. We went out for a few beers and and had a really good time. I also took the opportunity to do some excursions
the day after to see the Big Buddha and the view point once again. Also went to central festival for some food and ice cream 🙂

Parking garage in Central Festival. Thailand, the land of smiles, but also indeed the land of motorbikes… ^^

My thoughts to Sweden

Today for the first time in a while I decided to stop working a little bit earlier to go for a ride, take a look around, and have dinner and relax a bit in a getaway place. It was very nice and well needed and a nice break.

But later in the evening of course the news reached me of the horrible attack in Stockholm :(( Now even in the Thai news they are talking about this comparing it to attacks in London etc. It feels so surreal and one of course cannot help but feeling really sad. 


Proving to myself that I can work being away from home

It’s a routine by now. It’s pretty nice with routines. It’s like a routine in a non routine situation. It’s like the nice combination of comfort and daily excitement.. If that makes any sense 🙂

My experiment over the past few weeks have been to try to get some work done. It’s like I didn’t really trust myself a 100 percent to have the discipline to handle my work decently when being on the other side of the world.

So that’s why I have really put my main focus on work and daily practicalities. It’s like I wanted to prove to myself that I could earn my living working away from home.

I have a couple of deadlines in the last few days and I took the chance of getting quite a few hours of work done. So now my confidence has grown quite a bit and I feel pretty sure that I could not only make my living working away from home, but actually develop my business as well and increase my salary over time which feels very very nice.

To me it means that I could be on the road, traveling around as long as I would want to. I guess this is really what I have been dreaming of for a long time. So it’s a really cool feeling arriving at this point. I feel so happy and grateful.